What cities in Cameroon does PIME have a presence in?
PIME has a presence in the Far North Region of Cameroon in Yagoua, Kaele, Mouda, Maroua, and the capital of Yaoundé. PIME has been spreading the Gospel and serving the people of Cameroon since 1967. This year PIME is celebrating 50 years of evangelization in Cameroon.

Do you have the spirit of a missionary? Not everyone can travel to remote regions to serve God's people, but through your stewardship, you allow us to respond to the needs of some of the world's most vulnerable souls. The PIME Missionaries offer many opportunities for you to share your resources to directly benefit specific projects in the missions. From clean water initiatives to housing projects, orphanages to chapel repairs, many undertakings need sponsorship.
When you donate to a specific mission partnership, you can be confident your resources will be used to directly provide for its completion. If the project, child, or mission you choose to support is completely funded when we receive your donation, we will direct it to another worthwhile project in our missions. While our Fathers, Brothers, Lay People, and Volunteers serve the people in our current missions, we ask you to support by praying for them and for the continuation of social, economical, and spiritual development in these areas.
Algeria Declares Open Season on Refugees
Since December 1st there has been an ongoing m ass roundup of African refugees in Algerian neighborhoods.
St. Teresa of Calcutta and My Missionary Vision
A reflection by Fr. Gianluca Bellotti
Myanmar and the Rohingya
The Myanmar Government “mops up” evidence of v iolence against the Rohingya Muslim minority