Leprosy & TB Patients of Sr. Roberta in Bangladesh Assisted by PIME USA Donors.

Published Thu, Feb 15, 24. Written by Kathleen Connors.

Thanks to your contributions through PIME’s virtual events, direct donations, and the MDP Medical Fund, Sr. Roberta has been able to stock a new dispensary with medications for her TB and leprosy patients. Over the past several years, annual support of $11,000 was sent to purchase life-giving medications and food for hundreds of patients who are hospitalized or in desperate condition at home.  She could also help those who are unable to work and afford the cost of their medications. Sr. Roberta is grateful to her PIME supporters in the U.S. for providing healing and the mercy of Christ to those most in need. 

Thank you for helping Sr. Roberta and the PIME Sisters bring treatment, hope, and love to the suffering in some of the most deprived areas in Bangladesh!



