Parish Center in Mvog-Ebanda, Cameroon, Completed

Published Mon, Aug 27, 18. Written by Kathleen Connors.

Fr. Mathew Sobin Kaniyamparambil, PIME, has informed us of the completion of the Parish Center in Mvog-Ebanda thanks to the support from donors of the PIME Mission Center. He informed that with your help the project includes a residence for priests and provides temporarily shelter for the homeless and/or migrants. It also houses gatherings and meetings of various associations, is an “Evening School” for poor children and is where Catechism classes are held. The house is a meeting point for various ethnic groups.

More effective pastoral work in this area is being achieved. Our presence gives the testimony of accompaniment and of a universal Church. It assures stability and strong conviction in the Catholic faith among our baptized parishioners. All parishioners and others are welcomed. The parish is now a more dynamic and active reality, a source for unity and divinity.  Fr. Mathew and the community are grateful for your help and support with this project.

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