Burma, KTG Diocese (BU38)

Sr. Ester
Phone: 09-25-440-3883
Email: aiham777@gmail.com

Recent Updates

Rebeca (BU38-1083)

Rebeca is the youngest of five siblings. Her parents are poor farmers. Their income is meager and not enough, and they cannot support all their children. She is a very good-natured and swee...

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Valentina Chu Chu

Valentina is the youngest of five siblings. Her parents are poor farmers. The child needs to attend school, but the parents cannot afford even one of their children to attend. The sist...

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Wilfred Nge Nge

Wilfred is the youngest of seven siblings. The parents are poor farmers, and they cannot support all their children, and they want their children to have an education. He is a good boy and does ...

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