Projects General Fund (10001)


The MDP general project fund supports all kinds of mission projects in any of the countries where PIME is present. This fund assists projects for Social Development (agriculture, water, equipment, etc.), Education and Training (educational tools, educational expenses, schools, etc.), Health & Medical (medications, medical equipment, hospitals, etc.), Emergency Disaster Aid, Pastoral (chapel repairs, chapel needs, Catechism, etc.), among others.

In his message for World Mission Sunday in 2019, Pope Francis reminded us, “The Church is on mission in the world. Faith in Jesus Christ enables us to see all things in their proper perspective, as we view the world with God’s own eyes and heart. Hope opens us up to the eternal horizons of the divine life that we share. Charity, of which we have a foretaste in the sacraments and in fraternal love, impels us to go forth to the ends of the earth (cf. Mic 5:4; Mt 28:19; Acts 1:8; Rom 10:18).” 

We are blessed by those who help our mission projects through this fund, assisting wherever the need is greatest in going forth in His love to the ends of the earth. 


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