Transportation for Mexico Mission (10196)


The Diocese of Acapulco, Mexico, is divided into three regions: Costa Chica, Costa Grande, and Acapulco. PIME's mission in this diocese is located in Costa Chica at La Concordia.  The mission is in the highlands 155 miles from the city of Acapulco with a total population of about 8,000.  Here PIME Missionary Fr. Mauro Pazzi works with the local and indigenous people bringing them the Gospel and assistance. La Concordia is the parish center from which he and the other PIME missionaries visit the other 34 villages that belong to their parish.

Apart from a few small stretches, the roads to reach these villages are not paved and many of them cannot be reached in the rainy season, which hinders pastoral outreach.  Fr. Mauro requested $6,500 in assistance from the PIME Mission Center to purchase a new motorcycle to help them keep in touch and accompany those in these remote areas of the diocese.  Your help can bring Christ’s mercy to most in need in the remote villages of Acapulco’s highlands.

Fr. Mauro Pazzi, PIME

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Mexico, La Concordia (MX01)