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Char Pha (BU01-1223)

Place Burma, Kengtung (BU01)

First Name Char Pha

Last Name (BU01-1223)

Sex Male

Date of Birth 2008-01-10

Father U Joseph

Mother Daw Moni Ca

Village/City Kyaing Tong

Country Myanmar

School/Seminary St. Joseph Convent

Current Year of Study Standard 7

Mission Director Sr. Maria Goretti

Joined From 2018-07-10

Char Pha has two older siblings, both of which are almost done with schooling. Their father has malaria, and their mother has a difficult time meeting the needs of her family. She sent Char Pha to the orphanage to have a chance at a brighter future like his older siblings. Char Pha is healthy and keeping well. He stays at St. Joseph convent. He has learned some basic English and is in grade 7.