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Gregory Neing

Place Burma, Holy Rosary (BU18)

First Name Gregory

Last Name Neing

Sex Male

Date of Birth 2008-05-25

Father Victor Neing

Mother Mariana

Village/City Ko Gnan Kha Village

Country Myanmar

School/Seminary State School

Current Year of Study Grade VII

Mission Director Sr. Emie Wa Phaw

Joined From 2014-07-21

The parents of Gregory Neing are Victor Neing and Mariana. The father does odd jobs, likes driving vehicles (automobiles, tractors, tishaws, etc) and during the raining season he cultivates rice and other crops. The mother looked after her elderly and sick parents but now the sick grandfather passed away and only the grandmother is still alive. Gregory is the second of four siblings: Ralph, Gregory, Jennifer and a baby brother who is only a few months old. Gregory is in Grade VII. He is intelligent. The parents are hard working but they live from hand to mouth. Both parents are good Christians.