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Jibon Minj

Place Bangladesh, Dinajpur (BA01)

First Name Jibon

Last Name Minj

Date of Birth 2004-10-22

Father Francis Minj

Mother Terejina

Village/City Rajarampur

Country Bangladesh

School/Seminary St. Joseph Seminary Dinajpur

Current Year of Study First Year

Expected Year of Ordination 2031

Mission Director Fr. Francis Murmu

Joined From 2019-01-16

Jibon is one of four children, and he comes from a good Christian family who instilled the beliefs of the church in their children at a young age, his father works in the rice mill and his mother is a housewife. He has joined the seminary with the great desire to become a priest one day. In his free time, he enjoys playing soccer, and he's very good at the sport.