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Kitikon Becheku

Place Thailand, Ban Thoed (TH05)

First Name Kitikon

Last Name Becheku

Sex Male

Date of Birth 2008-05-27

Father Dilo

Mother Aso Khala

Village/City Pang Pu Loi

Country Thailand

School/Seminary Secondary

Current Year of Study Standard 7

Mission Director Fr. Valerio Sala

Joined From 2021-03-08

Kitikon is the only child coming from a poor family in northern Thailand. He has joined the program sponsored by his local parish to stay at the boarding home of his Mae Suay; there, he is given clean clothes, food daily, and education- things his parents knew they couldn't afford for him. Kitikon is in seventh grade, and he's been doing very well in his schooling. He has learned how to read and write in the Thai language, and he is even starting to learn some English.