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Sandhya Rani Billa

Place India, Guntur Diocese (IN11)

First Name Sandhya Rani

Last Name Billa

Sex Female

Date of Birth 2012-12-11

Father Rama Swami

Mother Sujatha

Village/City Guntur/India

Country India

School/Seminary Primary School

Current Year of Study Standard 5

Mission Director Fr. Y.L. Marreddy

Sandhya Rani is the middle child, having one younger and one older sister. Their mother is a housewife, and their father works as a driver, for which he is paid daily.  Education for the children is a challenge since the family does not have extra money.  Sandhya Rani likes the Telugu language, the color blue, horses, sweets, and cake. She goes to school regularly and attends church activities.