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Shikha Rauth

Place Bangladesh, Dinajpur (BA01)

First Name Shikha

Last Name Rauth

Sex Female

Date of Birth 2010-05-26

Father Kabul Rauth

Mother Batashi Rauth

Village/City Kholohati

Country Bangladesh

School/Seminary Primary

Current Year of Study Kindergarten

Mission Director Fr. Bidya Bormon

Joined From 2022-04-05

Shikha is part of an ethnic group known as Paharia, one of many ethnic groups in the country.  She lives near the parish with her family. She has one brother and one sister.  Her mother is a housewife, and her father is a day laborer. They work seasonally for other people because they do not have their land. Shikha likes to dance and play with her friends.  Her name means flame.